From October 6th till November 6th, 2014 with the assistance of ELibUkr is opened test access to electronic library of Grebennikon (, with more than 6,000 articles on marketing, management, finance, human resource management. Recent for Ukrainian market, foreign materials, are presented by permission of internationally well-known publishers, companies and universities as Elsevier, Emerald, Harvard Business Review, Swedish Scholl of Economics, University of Chicago Press, American Marketing Association, Berlin MBA, Academy of Marketing Science and others. This electronic library has a convenient rubricator (over 250 topics), contains detailed abstracts, has the ability to search for articles by author, title or keyword. Access is available on the local network by the control of the university IP-address. During the test period it is allowed to download not more than 200 articles.
Working with Resources:
- Go to the website:;
- Select for section "Articles by category" or "Articles by magazines»;
- Select a certain journal/category and find the desired article;
- You can also find an article by search, all you need is to type a keyword, author name or article title into the search box;
- At the bottom of the selected article click "Download".
Full text is available in PDF format.